Although a college degree is almost always worth the expense, it can be extremely costly, and, if you have trouble finding a job after graduation it can become a burden. 尽管大学学历通常物有所值,但它也可能极其昂贵,并且,如果你在毕业后难找工作,它还会成为你的负担。
A lot of college students take part-time jobs to cover the expense for their study and daily life and to lessen the financial burden on their families. 很多大学生以勤工俭学的方式支付学业和日常生活方面的费用,减轻家庭的经济负担。
The majority thought that the expense of medical care was so high that they endured great economic burden. 大多数病人认为医疗费用过高,患病后经济压力大;
Transport mode and station of arrival port and expense burden: The sea land combined transport expense is responsible by the supplier. 船方不负责装卸、堆装及平舱费运输方式及到达站港和费用负担:海陆联运费用由供方负责。
Whether by the old morality or the new, if he could help others at his own expense he would choose to do so, taking up a new burden. 无论从旧道德,从新道德,只要是损己利人的,他就挑选上,自己背起来。
Pensioners would be better off, possibly at the expense of future taxpayers, who would bear the burden of repaying the government's more costly debt. 靠退休金生活的老人们的生活会得到改善,却可能是以未来的纳税人为代价,后者将背负上更加沉重的政府债务。
For example, the expense and disruption of defending oneself against administrative charges-a burden that every respondent could allege-is not a basis for interlocutory appeal. 例如,针对行政指控为自己辩护的开销和破坏每个被告都可能提出的责任负担不能作为中期上诉的基础。
Conclusion Through public bidding, it can curtail the unreasonable price of high cost medical disposable in circulation to some extent and ease the direct medical expense burden of patients with cardiovascular disease. 结论:通过高值医用耗材的集中招标采购,能够在一定程度上缩减其流通中的虚高价格,从而减轻心血管病患者的直接医药费用负担。
Conclusion Only by in-time discovery, early therapy, strengthening medical treatment quality, and to control the increasing hospitalization expense strictly, can we lighten the burden of patients. 结论及时发现、早期治疗结核病,以及加强医院医疗质量管理,严格控制医疗费用的增长,才能切实减轻结核病人的医药费用负担。
But the overhigh development expense of sales end burden the two petroleum enterprises. 在目前的成品油销售终端的竞争中,大有得终端者得天下之势,但过高的终端开发费用使企业(尤其是两大石油集团)资本负担沉重。
Finance of small towns is faced with the difficulty of small income scale, compressed expense, heavy burden of debt, poor ability to pay back and little room of adjustment. 乡镇财政面临着收入规模小、压缩开支难、债务负担重、偿还能力差、调整余地小等主要困难。
The paper analyzed the total burden level and the burden of different medical institutions and different groups of medical expense of hospitalization, and the burden level of indirect medical expense of hospitalization. 分析了肥西县农村居民住院医疗费用总体负担水平、住院医疗费用负担机构分布情况和不同社会特征人群的住院医疗费用负担情况,以及住院间接费用负担水平。
The medical expense is higher than the national rural average level, which made an economic burden to farmers. Conclusion. 医疗服务费用高于全国农村平均水平,给农民带来了一定的经济负担。
Analysis of Medical Expense Burden for Patients with Pacemaker Artificial 高值医用耗材招标采购对使用心脏起搏器患者的医药费用的影响分析
Contravention between medical expense that is increasing too fast and patient's relatively lower economic burden capability; 医疗费用上涨过快与患者经济承受能力低下之间的矛盾。
In traditional pharmaceutical field, the isolation of diagnosis and treatment would not only increase the expense of patients, but also increased physical and psychological burden to them. 传统的医药领域中,诊断与治疗分步进行,不仅增加了患者的诊断与治疗费用,而且增加了患者的身体和心理负担。
The current implementation of quality-oriented education should change the way to get high quality in the past at the expense of students 'spare time and the heavy academic burden, but guarantee the quality by improving the effectiveness of classroom teaching. 当前素质教育的推行要改变过去以牺牲学生课余时间和沉重的学业负担为代价换取质量的做法,而是以课堂教学的有效性的提高来保证质量。
The tax mode and the expense deduction as an important of personal income tax system, impact on the size of the tax burden on the taxpayers directly. 个人所得税制模式及费用扣除制度作为个人所得税制度的重要组成部分,直接影响到纳税人税收负担的大小。
To compensate those who suffered from pollution is the necessary request of civil rights. But the huge expense composed a heavy burden of the concerned enterprise and the society. 对环境污染的受害人进行赔偿,是保护公民合法环境权益的必然要求,但是巨额的损害赔偿金又给企业和社会带来了沉重负担。